Loch Broom Sailing Club
Committee Meeting 03 12 11
Sailing Club room 2.30pm
Present: Paul Copestake; Robin Campbell; John Coe; Donald Buchanan; Robert White; Adrian Morgan; Jill Bruce; Sandy Osborne; Paul Driver
Apologies: John Osborne; Mike Connor; Chris Steventon; Sue Evans
The minutes of the committee meeting on 29 10 11 were approved as being an imaginative but reasonably accurate version of events
Matters outstanding: signage “LBSC PROPERTY. PLEASE DO NOT PARK HERE” to be made.
NB would members holding trophies please return them before the dinner on Friday 16th December at the Royal Hotel.
Club improvements ongoing
Working party scheduled for 27th December to knock through wall into kitchen and line with pine to match club windows. We need muscle, sledgehammers and someone to make the tea and clear up debris. Paul
Floor needs painting (green paint on shelf in changing room); then carpet to be shampooed and general paintwork spruced up above bar.
Flying Fifteen matters
A separate meeting of skippers in the spring to discuss what work is needed for the 2012 season. A programme of upgrading controls urgently needed. The fleet now has enough good sails to last at least five seasons, barring accidents. All stored in the shed.
With up to 10 boats available, a separate FF Regatta was suggested, and agreed to be an excellent idea.
Loki fettling
The skiff requires a lick of paint, figurehead fettling and keel trimming, plus a new launching trailer. New oars needed to replace last season’s trial set.
T shirts and regalia
A sample sweatshirt is on display in the club room, together with price list and order forms. Prices reflect a 20% mark-up for club funds. All orders COD. Delivery estimated 7 days. All members have already been emailed details of prices and order forms. Prices range from £10 for a T shirt to £50 for a fleece jacket. Members should email orders to John Coe John Coe <john.coe@talktalk.net> or Paul Copestake paul Copestake <paul.copestake@btinternet.com>
Pier fendering
Sandy to approach Harbour Trust to fund replacement fendering (recycled hard plastic from pier), which club members will undertake to fit.
Fund raising
Raffle to be organised at the club dinner, with prizes brought in by members on the night and divided into separate prizes, (suggest up to 10, ranging in size and content). Donald, Jill
Paul to email members to ask them to donate items for raffle hampers. This can be anything from books to booze, the theme to be “A Hamper for Cruising” .
Tesco bag packing. Paul to approach Tesco
Once hatch is made, the club needs to be used more for socialising as it used to be in the “good old days”.
Possible renting of club for functions
No fixed rate but ad hoc arrangement with club or associations that need space, ie diving club which contributed £10 to funds.
Ceilidh on 28 January cancelled. Other options to be pursued in the new year. Jill
Ulla and Cul Mor to be moved back to their allotted berths on the hard so as to free access to club boats and shed. Adrian to approach Fiona and Topher informally
Shona Oborne to be approached to become skiff captain (unpaid position but great prestige).
Club night
Two evenings a month should be set aside for a get togethers in the club room. Paul to float a programme of masterclasses on various navigational and handling topics. Tuesday night suggested as being best.
NB From previous committee minutes 17 04 10:
“Wednesday evenings are again to be regular club nights with racing followed this year by informal discussions on subjects such as rules, tactics and sailing tips.”
John Coe stressed the need for a 20% increase in fees all round. Electricity costs, for example, have doubled. Members should, however, expect something more from their club in return.
The club income stream, basically, is very fragile. Old members leaving and few new ones joining.
He felt there was an urgent need to rationalise and simplify the fee structure. In brief he suggested a fee for membership, plus a straight payment for use of ALL club assets – Picos, skiff, Flying Fifteens etc – rather than the existing, complicated system whereby members pay on a sliding scale depending on what boats they wish to use.
Some members would pay a little more, some less, but the benefit would be an overall simplification and modest increase in income. A fee of £45 for the use of any club asset was suggested.
A straight fee would encourage more people to use more of the club assets.
Family membership would be simplified enormously (Paul Driver).
Juniors would be discounted.
Robin reiterated a view that the skiff should be run separately from the club.
All expenditure over £100 to be agreed at committee level and minuted, before submitting invoice to John.
NB A quick calculation from the schedule of total income and expenditure for the year revealed an income of £1,918.50 (from membership fees) and a total expenditure of around £6,047.19
However, around £2,700 was “one-off” expenses – RIB trailer; shed; club refurbishment; FF sails; keys etc. The deficit is still around £1,300, hence the need to boost club finances, as outlined by the treasurer.
An EGM is to be scheduled in January to discuss changes to membership fees, as laid down in the constitution. Members need three weeks notice.
John Coe, Paul Copetake and John Osborne to prepare spreadsheets detailing income and expenses prior to EGM.
Vacuum cleaner
John Coe has kindly donated a working cleaner for clubhouse. Enjoy...
Loch Broom Sailing Club Blog www.lochbroomsailingclub.blogspot.com
A purely experimental blog site, with a number of links to the club’s rather cranky website, has been set up for comment by members. If response is positive then this can be developed in any number of ways.
My suggestion is that the blog is kept live, with a calendar that can be used to plan boat use, and a website which contains basic information that need not be updated.
It does need to be redesigned. I will approach Brian at up and running websites for an opinion and quote.
NB I have posted these draft minutes on the site. Anyone wishing to post can simply email me the text and I will add it to the blog. This can be appeals for crew, calendar dates, etc. Or just information on club matters.
Simple comments can be left on the blog site (click on comments below the post). You will need to log in to Google or similar to make a comment. Or you can email me at adrianmorgan@viking-boats.com
Ross & Cromarty Sports Awards
Meeting ends 5:30pm