Loch Broom Sailing Club

Minutes of Meeting 7th July at 18:30 outside the clubhouse


1)      Present/Apologies

Paul Copestake (Commodore: PC), John Osborne (Vice Commodore: JO), David Dawson (Secretary: DD), Adrian Morgan (AM), John Mitchell (JM), Gilly Meighan (GM), Donald Buchanan (DB).

Apologies: Sandy Osborne (SO), Dave Maxwell (DM)


2)      Minutes and matters arising

a)      The minutes for the committee meeting on 7th June were approved with minor changes; there were no matters arising not on the agenda except carried forward:

i)        Loch Broom Sailing Club Introductory Notes. AM was thanked for his drafting; it was agreed that PC condense the text. PC

b)     Existing Clubhouse

It was agreed that JO oversee the work outside including sorting mast and club rib storage. Complete

c)      PC reported that the cosmetic design of the proposed Shore St development was being reviewed.

d)     Harbourmaster feedback PC reported no issues but KP reports that as the small boat tie up is already overcrowded  he would not want  the  Pioner to be kept at the inner harbour.  Keep at mooring.


3)       COVID Update

PC gave an overview of the expected changes to Governmental rules and other guidance expected changes are 19th July and 9th August. PC



4)      Sailing and Water Activities changes from last version marked in red

a)      Calendar

i)          18 to 20 June - shakedown cruise (aiming for the Shiants).

ii)        9 to 18 of July - Main Summer Cruise (Skye)

iii)      17 to 18 July - Ullapool Coastal Rowing Club - local regatta No formal entry as crews not ready but UCRC will let us squeeze in at short notice

iv)      19 to 23 of July – Junior Sailing Week with up to 15 participants and 5 instructors! GM/JL

v)        24 to 25 July Possible date for LBSC regatta with proposed raft up and 2020 prizegiving. (PGC)

vi)      21 August - Noel's fishing day (can we add a sailing/fishing element to this?) (Organiser to be agreed)

vii)    28 August - Campbell's cup - Isle Martin (TBC) (1st weekend after Highland schools go back). DM requested to follow up changed date with Isle Martin Trust PGC

viii)  6 to 12 September Isle Martin seaweed Festival

b)     Routine Activities

i)        1st Monday of each month LBSC committee 6:30pm at the clubhouse.

ii)      Every Tuesday meeting at the sailing club for a red tin.. 8pm - To confirm sailing plans for the Saturday (youths - adult ff sessions) and possible times for evening and weekend FF races (targeting optimal weather) All

iii)    Most Saturdays 10am to 1pm; youth sailing (Picos/Fevas/Toppers) and for adults in flying fifteens or possibly bigger boats. Recruit junior members All.

i)        FF Racing to be Tues 17:30 (fall back Wed) and Sat 16:00 (fall back Sun)

iv)    Possible separate midweek and weekend racing series.

v)      Fettle and deploy race markers Completed

vi)    Rowing – some weekend rowing undertaken more planned.

c)      Other

i)        Sea Savers – powerboat training successfully completed, some of the youths not in LBSC are joining the club to participate youth activities

ii)      Rib – dry sailing working well, secure storage options to be agreed. JO

iii)    Pioner – AM thanked for his draft notes on use. It was agreed that the possibility of storing it at the harbour pontoon be assessed including security SO


5)      Treasurer’s Report

DM reported £9.5k in the bank,

membership income £2.9k

costs of around £3.6k spent on the clubhouse refurbishment in 20 & this year so far.

£1.7K paid in June for 2021 insurance.


6)      New Members

JM reported that new memberships in June were as follows: one Family three Junior and two Instructor memberships. At present total membership is Adult 90 and Junior c36.


7)      Clubhouse Wider Consultation

PC & DD reported around six responses from non-club stakeholder groups, follow up of non-responders to be followed in July. PC/DD

PC reported positive expectation of grant funding.

Consultations with RYA going well with possibility of Ullapool’s facilities being used for official RYA sailing and powerboat training courses. Robyn Phillips and Ryan Beatie will be at the youth week with an opportunity to discuss future options.   


8)      AOB

a)      LBSC-UCRC MoU and payment. PC stated that a simplified charging algorithm was being worked on with DD. The aim of the revised calculations is that they will be the basis for charging UCRC and any other non-club users of our facilities. PC reminded the meeting that part of the LBSC’s terms for owning the land is that the activities must not be commercial.   PC/DD

b)     Use of Club Feva

Conditions for possible use of Feva without a safety boat are work in progress. Insurance position to be confirmed with DM. JO


9)      Close

There being no other business, the meeting finished at 19:35


 Loch Broom Sailing Club

Minutes of Meeting 7th June at 18:30 conference call


1)      Present/Apologies

Paul Copestake (Commodore: PC), John Osborne (Vice Commodore: JO), Dave Maxwell (Treasurer: DM), David Dawson (Secretary: DD), Sandy Osborne (SO), Adrian Morgan (AM), Gilly Meighan (GM), Donald Buchanan (DB), Anthony O’Flaherty (AF).

Apologies: John Mitchell (JM)


2)      Minutes and matters arising

The minutes for the committee meeting on 3rd May were approved; there were no matters arising not on the agenda.


3)       COVID Update

PC reported that the region was at level 1 with potential to move to level 0 later this month. General advice for members to follow the very well advised Chanonry Sailing Club (link), and RYA (link) All


4)      Clubhouse and Surrounds

a)      Existing Clubhouse

JO reported all internal work completed. It was agreed that JO oversee the work outside including sorting mast and club rib storage. JO

b)     Wee Pier cleaning rota A copy to be placed in clubhouse  - all LBSC slots filled for this year.

c)      Future Clubhouse

PC said that he and SO met with the RYA on 5th May who gave plenty of advice and will be invaluable later in the project. Stakeholders to be asked for their opinions. PC/DD


5)      Sailing and Water Activities

a)      Calendar

i)          18 to 20 June - shakedown cruise (aiming for the Shiants).

ii)        9 to 18 of July - Main Summer Cruise (Skye)

iii)      17 - 18 July - Ullapool Coastal Rowing Club - local regatta. (Attendance-support).

iv)      19 to 23 of July - Pico week with up to 6 instructors! GM/JL

v)        24 - 25 July Possible date for LBSC regatta. (TBC)

vi)      21 August - Campbell's cup - Isle Martin (TBC) (1st weekend after Highland schools go back). Confirm date and access with Isle Martin Trust DM

vii)    28 August - Noel's fishing day (can we add a sailing/fishing element to this?)

viii)  6 to 12 September Isle Martin seaweed Festival

b)     Routine Activities

i)        1st Monday of each month LBSC committee 6pm at the clubhouse.

ii)      Every Tuesday meeting at the sailing club for a red tin.. 8pm - To confirm sailing plans for the Saturday (youths - adult ff sessions) and possible times for evening and weekend FF races (targeting optimal weather) All

iii)    Most Saturdays 10am to 1pm; youth sailing (Picos/Fevas/Toppers) and for adults in flying fifteens or possibly bigger boats. All

i)        FF Racing to be Tues 17:30 (fall back Wed) and Sat 16:00 (fall back Sun)

iv)    Possibly separate midweek and weekend racing series.

v)      Fettle and deploy race markers PC/JO/DD/SO

c)      Other

i)        Sea Savers – powerboat training successfully completed, some of the youths not in LBSC are joining the club to participate youth activities

ii)      Rib – dry sailing working well, secure storage options to be agreed. JO

iii)    Pioner – AM thanked for his draft notes on use. It was agreed that the possibility of storing it at the harbour pontoon be assessed including security SO


6)      Club Administration

a)      Loch Broom Sailing Club Introductory Notes. AM was thanked for his drafting; it was agreed that PC condense the text. PC

b)     Harbourmaster feedback PC reported no issues, KP happy that the turning area at the top of the slip is being kept clear. All

c)      LBSC-UCRG MoU and payment. JR from UCRC emailed referring to the draft MoU between UCRC and LBSC This accounts for the for variance in spend by LBSC from year to year (Capital and revenue costs) in determining the charge levied for use by UCRC: recognising this UCRC have earmarked funds for any additional costs.  After lengthy discussion it was agreed that the MoU should be completed and fee for 2021 be determined accordingly.   PC

d)     Finance DM reported £11k[PCP1]  in the bank and costs of £3.6k spent on the clubhouse refurbishment in 20 and 21 so far.

i)        Flying fifteen Sails Following whats-app discussion   three mainsails and two genoas purchased from Bobby Salmon for £500  allocation to be agreed.

ii)      Feva the committee unanimously agreed the purchase of the second Feva, for £1,350 generously offered by Bobby and Alison Osborne. Condition to be checked. AM

iii)    New members – Mike Voss and Mairearad Green.


7)      AOB

PC reported no LBSC actions needed re the proposed Shore St and inner harbour developments.

2020 Prizegiving postponed until Sat 3rd July DB/PC


8)      Close

There being no other business, the meeting finished at 19:45

 [PCP1]Dave Maxwell has sent this to you.    Loch Broom Sailing Club

Minutes of Meeting 3rd May at 18:30 conference call


1)      Present/Apologies

Paul Copestake (Commodore: PC), John Osborne (Vice Commodore: JO), Dave Maxwell (Treasurer: DM), David Dawson (Secretary: DD), Sandy Osborne (SO), Robert White (RW), Adrian Morgan (AM), Gilly Meighan (GM), Donald Buchanan (DB), Anthony O’Flaherty (AF).

Apologies: John Mitchell (JM)


2)      Minutes and matters arising

The minutes for the committee meeting on 6th April were proposed seconded and approved. There were no matters arising not on the agenda.


3)      Clubhouse and Surrounds

a)      Existing Clubhouse

Adrian was commended for his efforts to get the clubhouse ready for this season. JO said we need ‘hard’ chairs and a table to complete the Club Room. Potential free/cheap furniture to be run past JO. All

b)     Future Clubhouse

PC said that he and SO will meet the RYA on Wednesday 5th May. PC & SO

c)      Boat park - Access

PC met with Kevin Peach UHT Harbourmaster (to be a monthly catch up).  Kevin raised concerns he had received that the boat park does not leave room for emergency access to the inner harbour beach and is generally too full facilitate turning room for cars and trailers launching boats.   As an initial step, members to keep dinghy/boat parking away from the clubhouse side of the boat park and dinghies to remain moveable. All Possible future steps include boxed junction type markings in cleared area and sign at the top of the ramp, to look again at options for reducing the footprint of dinghies (rack?)  PC to inform members

d)     Boat Park - Trailers

As an extension of c) Three out of four FF trailers to be moved to a secure area in the village with one being left in the boat park for emergency use. RW

e)      Wee Pier Cleaning Rota

Per PC’s note, the Club has signed up to 6 cleanings of the Wee Pier top this season. All encouraged to sign up to share the work. All


4)      Covid Update

PC reported that this is opening up now with current permitted activity as follows:

Youth contact sport - including Saturday morning supervised sailing,

Adult non-contact - including single household FF racing and family overnight cruising

Outside meeting up to 6 from 3 families

Clubhouse use of loo and changing facilities only

More opening up expected in following weeks.


5)      Sailing and Water Activities

a)      Champions

FF - AM is stepping back as FF Committee Champion, replacement TBA

Youth – Jason

Adult training - PGC

Cruising – JO

Rowing – PC relinquishing role, replacement TBA

b)     Activity

FF – Warm up racing already commenced, Ffavaneous to be launched

Youth – JL reported a good start to Saturday AM sailing with all Picos afloat and expectations of Topper (with AF’s repair work) and Feva expected to be used in future. Possibility of Feva for sale. Radio fettling still in progress. Club rib engine starts and runs but awaiting service. Pioneer Yamaha also needs servicing, (water pump service kit purchased in case required to address poor cooling water flow). Gavin aware that engines need servicing but he works at his own pace. JL/SO

Cruising – Rough timetable to be prepared JO

Fees -  It was agreed that future fees (including Club Moorings) be discussed at a future committee meeting. PC


6)      Calendar

Prizegiving postponed until it can take place in person.

Proposed dates to JO including personal cruising dates, perhaps late May short cruise

Campbell Cup July/Aug. All


7)      New Members & Mentors

Potential new members include Alisdair Floyd, Bryony and Rachel Horsburgh.

It was agreed that mentors be appointed to help include new members to the club activities. Volunteers to PC. All


8)      AOB

GM reported that Seasavers are to have a two, two day day training sessions for RYA power boat level 2 between 14th-17th May.  The plan is to use Jason and Gilly’s rib but like club rib needs servicing.  Given that 3 of the group are also LBSC trainees they have asked that if their boat or another boat is unavailable could the club boat be made available. In principle yes subject to correct insurance, supervision and any breakages made good. The Trainer is Euan Carruthers of They were selected as the UHI/UHT RYA courses are not able to train youths under 18.  If it goes well this may be an option for LBSC to consider for other youths.  Euan looking to use the clubhouse as a base, Covid rules permit this for recognised instruction and Euan is accredited for Covid compliance.  GM/PGC to take forward with sea savers.


Club blue/white tender repair AO


PC plans a fiberglass workshop over the summer. PC(plus volunteers).

Very few subscriptions are still outstanding. Remaining being chased JM.


9)      Next Meeting

7th June at 18:30 by Zoom All.

Papers to members a week in advance. JO/PC/DD


10)  Close

There being no other business, the meeting finished at 19:35 

Loch Broom Sailing Club

AGM Saturday 27th March 2021 Conference Call 16.00pm


1.       Present
Donald Buchanan, Rona Johnson, Adrian Morgan, Paul Copestake, Kate Copestake, Sandy Osborne, David Dawson, Jason Leon, Gilly Meighan, John Osborne, Jill Bruce, Robert White, Anthony O’Flaherty, Alex Loftus & Paul Driver.



2.       Minutes of 2019 AGM

Having been circulated in advance it was agreed that the minutes were an accurate record of proceedings. Proposed Gillian Meighan, Seconded Donald Buchanan and unanimously agreed.


3.       Commodore’s Report

The Commodore’s report was circulated in advance and the Commodore thanked the club for their support and wished his successor well. David Dawson proposed a vote of thanks to Donald for his service to the club in the past three years and this was unanimously agreed.  


4.       Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report was circulated in advance Acceptance of the report was Proposed by Donald Buchanan,  seconded by David Dawson and unanimously agreed.


5.       Election of Officers and Committee

·         Commodore and Committee stood down, Secretary took the chair. All proposals were unanimously agreed.

·         The committee recommended that Paul Copestake be Commodore, proposed Anthony O’Flaherty, seconded Alex Loftus and unanimously agreed

·         Commodore took the chair

·         PC indicated that John Osborne has agreed to stand as Vice Commodore; proposed David Dawson, seconded Gillian Meighan and unanimously agreed

·         PC also reported that Dave Maxwell – Treasurer and David Dawson - Secretary had agreed to remain in post; proposed Alex Loftus, seconded Kate Copestake and unanimously agreed

·         Membership secretary – PC to ask John Mitchell if he is prepared to remain in post.

·         Committee: PC reminded the meeting that committee members need to be active in supporting committee meetings etc. He then asked for volunteers to serve and  those prepared to serve as members were Gillian Meighan, Robert White, Sandy Osbourne, Adrian Morgan, Anthony O’Flaherty & Donald Buchanan. PC also reminded the meeting that the committee has the powers to co-opt additional members as required.

·         PC thanked Adrian Morgan for his service as Vice Commodore.


6.       Launch of 2019 Sailing Plan 

Paul Copestake outlined the current timeline of proposed releasing the covid restrictions:

·         2nd April – Travel to launch or fettle boats permitted

·         5th  April – Children under 17 permitted to sail with non-family members

·         26th April – Clubhouse Loo open to members

·         17th May – Resume outside contact sports including Rowing and Sailing with non-family members.

Flying Fifteen racing theoretically possible from 2nd April if restricted to family members only but proposed date will be confirmed by committee meeting in next few weeks.


A number of those at the AGM outlined plans for sailing all subject to Covid restrictions.


7.       AOB

Current Clubhouse:

·         Sandy Osborne outlined the structural repairs completed in 2021.

·         John Osborne reported the status of the re-fettling expected to be complete by 3/4/21

Clubhouse Development:

Following completion of the members’ questionnaire on use of the clubhouse and approach to collaboration with other groups, PC reported that a Development Group had been formed under Paul and Sandy’s leadership with the next steps being to:

1.       Consult with other groups (under way)

2.       Prepare a feasibility study probably externally funded

3.       After completion of 2, seek LBSC members’ agreement to the proposal

4.       Consult with the community over the proposal.

Prizegiving for 2020
Date to be agreed at the next committee meeting, ideally when physical meeting is allowed.

8.       Closure

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 16:29Loch Broom Sailing Club

Minutes of Meeting 12th March 2021 at 17:30 by conference call


1)      Present/Apologies

Donald Buchanan (Chair & Commodore: DB), Paul Copestake (PC), David Dawson (Secretary: DD), Sandy Osborne (SO), John Osborne (JO), Robert White (RW), Adrian Morgan (Vice Commodore: AM).


Apologies: Alison Osborne (AO), Bobby Osborne (BO), Gill Wilson (GW), John Mitchell (JM), Nat Wilson (NW) ), Anthony O’Flaherty (AF), Gilly Meighan (GM), Dave Maxwell (Treasurer: DM).


2)      Minutes and matters arising

The minutes for the meeting on 19th February were approved and it was agreed that the prizegiving date be set when the release of Covid restriction becomes clearer.


3)      AGM

Office-Bearers and Committee

It was reported that there had been no formal nominations yet from the outside the committee. PC is willing to stand as Commodore and DD & DM are happy to continue as secretary and treasurer; these candidates will therefore be presented for confirmation at the AGM.  The committee agreed that the posts of Vice Commodore and other members of the committee will be determined on the night either from the floor or by requests for nomination received between now and the AGM.   At the AGM existing committee members will be adopted if willing to remain active.  It was noted that the committee can be up to 12 additional folk but only requires enough to ensure that committees have the required quorum of 5.  Members can be co-opted by the committee outside the AGM.


The next AGM communication to members will include: a Zoom link, reminder about the office-bearer nomination process and the Committee’s recommendation. Accompanying this will be the Commodore and Treasurer’s reports.DD


Apart from Office -bearers, there will be:

-          a brief outline of hoped for sailing activity PC and

-          a brief of the status of the clubhouse committee SO

4)      AOB

Shore St/Inner harbour development plan

It was agreed that the committee write to Kevin Peach re the Shore St/Inner harbour development plan. JO to draft.


Current Clubhouse

Thanks to AM who has completed the decoration of the club room, galley and loo. JO will oversee the completing of lighting and changing room. It was agreed that the club fund a professional cleaner starting from the time when the clubhouse is back in use.


Future of Clubhouse

PC outlined the state of work by the group with the aim of conducting consultation with potential partner groups to ascertain their wants and the conducting of a feasibility study. JO has provided a project plan for the study which will possibly be funded by HIE.


5)      Close

There being no other business, the meeting finished at 18:10

Minutes of Meeting 19th February 2021 at 17:30 by conference call


1)      Present/Apologies

Donald Buchanan (Chair & Commodore: DB), Paul Copestake (PC), David Dawson (Secretary: DD), Sandy Osborne (SO), John Osborne (JO), Robert White (RW), Anthony O’Flaherty (AF), Gilly Meighan (GM), Adrian Morgan (Vice Commodore: AM), Dave Maxwell (Treasurer: DM).


Apologies:, , Alison Osborne (AO), Bobby Osborne (BO), Gill Wilson (GW), John Mitchell (JM), Nat Wilson (NW).


2)      Clubhouse

Introduced by PC, DD presented the findings of the questionnaire of members re the use and possible development of clubhouse. The members who responded have expressed clear views as shown in the presentation. A  discussion followed with all committee members expressing their views. It was agreed that:


Existing Building

JO be ‘clerk of works’ to complete the refreshing of the current clubhouse following the work of Hugh Stirling. JO


Possible Development of the Clubhouse

The committee agreed that the results of the questionnaire was that the club is authorised to set up a working group to explore:

-          the development of the LBSC clubhouse and its facilities

-          possible partnerships with other Wee Pier user groups

-          external funding opportunities

The committee recognise that some members expressed concern about ownership. It is the case that no change to formal ownership of the building is possible without the express agreement of the membership. It is also recognised that although the land that the clubhouse stands on belongs to the club, the ownership of the surrounding land is fragmented.


PC, JO and DD were thanked for their work on the questionnaire and its analysis.


3)      AGM & Prizegiving

AGM - DB proposed and it was agreed that the AGM be held on Saturday 27th March at 16:00, hopefully in person but if not on Zoom. Necessary notices to be sent to members. DD The possible showing of Ghillie O’Flacharty’s film was also discussed. AO

Prizegiving It was agreed that this be deferred until a physical meeting is possible. The committee expressed its hope that PC would prepare one of his excellent presentations.


4)      AOB

DM was thanked for his presentation of last year’s accounts and ongoing work as treasurer.

It was agreed that £500 to be paid to Hugh Stirling for his work on the clubhouse DM

AM was thanked for his work on the club trot moorings.

The practicalities of the mini refurb to the clubhouse was discussed. JO

SO requested attendance and support for the public presentation of the proposed Shore Street and harbour developments. All


There being no other business, the meeting finished at 16:15