Loch Broom Sailing Club
Committee Meeting 14 01 12
Sailing Club room 3.00pm
Present: Paul Copestake; Robin Campbell; John Coe; Donald Buchanan; Robert White; Adrian Morgan; Jill Bruce; Sandy Osborne; Paul Driver; Chris Steventon; Mike Connor; John Osborne
Apologies: Sue Evans
The minutes of the committee meeting on 03 12 11 were approved as being an imaginative but reasonably accurate version of events
Matters outstanding: signage “LBSC PROPERTY. PLEASE DO NOT PARK HERE” to be made.
Membership fee changes
Much discussion over the proposed changes to the membership fee structure.
The Committee agreed, with some reservations, to put forward to the members a proposal that the current fee system, whereby members join the club and pay extra for using club assets (Picos, Flying Fifteens, skiff), should be changed to one whereby the membership fee is all inclusive (other than boat parking and club moorings).
The full proposal will be circulated by Paul Copestake. Brief details can be found on the blog www.lochbroomsailingclub.blogspot.com
EGM 4 February Royal Hotel 7pm
An EGM has been called for 4 February at which LBSC members are invited to discuss proposed changes to the LBSC fee structure (and related constitution changes).
It was suggested that, whatever is decided, a list of members be posted in the club. Another proposal suggested a social membership category be introduced.
Fees for casual use by visitors were also discussed. A rate of between £5 and £10 per day for club membership; £25 week and £50 a month was suggested, with the same benefits as full members. The only proviso being that use of club assets to be strictly at the discretion of full members.
The new system, if agreed, would retain the premium for paying by cash (£5 on top of the fee itself) rather than standing order.
The new system would be much easier to implement, said John Coe, treasurer.
The new system must raise as much, or more, than the old; be easy to administer and fair to members.
Some modifications were suggested to the draft plan drawn up by Paul and Adrian, notably a tweaking of categories and payments.
The committee were reminded by Donald of the wording in the constitution regarding membership.
Andy Reeve to be asked to reprint his advice to new members.
Other business
Fees from Ulla and Cul Mor. John to issue invoices totalling £450, as agreed by all parties and minuted on 29 10 11 (see addendum).
Ongoing improvements to the club include finishing the bar; painting the floor and making good. Sandy, John, Paul et al to pursue.
Jill thanked those responsible for putting up a shelf in the loo.
Pico Week correction: 2-7 July
John Coe noted that the raffle at the dinner raised £200
The bag pack by Pico youngsters raised £515, as already noted in the blog, an excellent result whch will be used to good effect to promote Pico sailing.
The meeting ended at 1907
Addendum from committee minutes 29 10 11
Skiff charges
Ullapool Coastal Rowing Club have agreed to pay the club £250 p/a for the use of the club facilities as guests, and £50 p/a to keep Ulla on club land.
Similarly Cul Mor will contribute £100 p/a as guest users of the club, the figure taking into account its use by the school and back-up use by Ulla, plus £50 to park their boat, p/a. All fees payable up front on 1 January.
Five keys to be made available. Only Cul Mor’s school lifejackets to be stored in club members’ shed. Ulla’s gear stored under hinged seat in changing room.