Loch Broom Sailing
Committee Meeting 07
09 13
Clubroom 4pm
Present: Sandy
Osborne, Mike Connor, John Osborne, Adrian Morgan, Donald Buchanan, Paul Driver,
Bobby Osborne, Siobhan Osborne, Freya Anderson, Robert White, Robin Campbell,
Donald Buchanan
Previous minutes 23 03 13 unavailable
Programme for
Sailing potentially on Thursday, Friday and Saturday from
now until season’s end. More people can make Friday than Thursday. Too many
days are being lost by sticking to rigid sailing days.
For next year an idea was discussed whereby Mike texted
interested members every afternoon at, say, 5pm with weather report for
possible sailing for those not in village.
Big Boat Sailing plans
- weekend of 14
Sept - cruise to Lochinver. Option to meet Tanera Friday night
- weekend of 28th Sept - Storm
Cruise. Again, option to meet up Tanera on Friday. Destination TBA
Clubhouse and
The club is uninsured at present until an electrical
certificate is obtained from John Braes. Urgent
Topher’s oar rack an improvement on oar storage.
Pico mast tube fixed to front of lean to (DONE)
Electrical work to be undertaken to include new RCD box,
water heater and socket close by to bring all up to current standard.
Hard standing perimeter to be reinforced. A number of
options discussed. Bobby and Sandy Osborne to advise on best solution long
term. £200 to be laid aside for materials. Winter project.
Wee Pier
Possibility of accessing Coastal Community Fund to improve
clubhouse, in which case UHT might take on some maintenance of the Wee Pier.
Sandy to pursue.
Fendering completed by club. No plans for more at this time.
Flying Fifteens
Jill Bruce’s letter re detached tiller and mooring discussed
at length and the implications thereof. Any repeat of what could have been a
dangerous situation was deemed unacceptable both on personal safety grounds,
and potential loss of club boat. In addition the paddle was missing.
All FFs must be signed in and out from now on, with any
damage itemised and repaired if urgent. If in doubt, call Adrian on 07774 843
Damage report and signing in book will be left on table.
Adrian to action
Stuart has taken on Red and private owners Adrian and Mike
will try and keep an eye on the other two until haul out.
All club dinghies to laid up using wooden cradles, masts up.
Red boat has new halyard to replace old s/s one.
Club dinghy
Although, following Julia Ridgman’s experience, the rowlocks
have been tied in and a spare rowlock attached to the transom the green dinghy
is considered to be too dangerous to use in anything other than calm
Alternative means to get to FFs must be found. Best solution
would be a sturdy club Pioneer. Either that or club boat builders to make one
over the winter. Nigel’s old dinghy is not much better, so new Pioneer solution
considered best option. Urgent
Do we need a RIB? Probably yes, in the medium term, but the
gears must be repaired or replaced before next season. ACTION - John O
A poor year for Picos, due to a number of factors including
RIB problems, lack of supervision and above all weather. However - some weeks
yet to go in season…
Big boats
All agreed that the Big Boat race during the regatta was
excellent and to be repeated . It was suggested that we should have a few
designated weekends in 2014 for big boats on Saturdays.
Treasurer reported a healthy bank balance of around £6,000
(this stood at £4,882.32 on 31 December 2012).
Note however that funds yet to go out for electrical work.
Rona thanked those members who have thus far signed
membership forms. About 20 forms still outstanding. Please sign and leave in
Feva Fund
It was agreed to pursue the idea of buying a two-person club
Feva, to give Siobhan’s dinghy competition and as a nucleus for more,
privately-owned Fevas.
The Feva is an RYA-approved step up from basic trainers like
the Pico and much better for two
teenagers. It is also, according to Siobhan and Freya, who sat in on the
meeting, “great fun”.
If enough are interested then the club will find the funds
through every means: private donation, club funds, sponsorship, club events and
Amazon scheme (Paul Driver).
Paul to explore Ross & Cromarty grant which is, we
believe, restricted to £700 these days. Costs for second hand boats range from
£1,500 upwards.
Loch Carron SC has a small fleet, which could provide
valuable inter-club competition and training opportunities.
Suggested next steps:
1) Siobhan/ Freya to canvass support among the competent
young sailors to see who would like to regularly sail a new Feva (graded -
definite, or just maybe)
2) Depending on outcome of above, decide if project is on.
3) Adrian to get realistic cost estimate for equipped boat.
Post meeting suggestions:
Key is to have youths spearheading the campaign ... we need
a nucleus of interested young members and their parents to move this.
Initial suggestion is they need to raise 50% of the cost,
and the club will make up the remainder (as a suggestion ).
This is seen as a project to get sorted before next season.
Short term we need to be sure (convinced) that there is a
nucleus of youths who want to “Feva” (see 1. above) ....
It is foreseen that committee will need to assist the
younger members in getting communication out to members.
Work days
Suggestion that members be encouraged to sign up for a
number of work days every year as part of their commitment to the club. Members
who cannot commit could perhaps, as in other clubs, opt out, for a small fee….
This could be for work on club property and/or support at club sailing events
Datchet rules
John to circulate Datchet SC’s rules as an example of how
other clubs operate in this regard.
Ends 1706