Committee Meeting Minutes 04 10 13

Loch Broom Sailing Club
Committee Meeting 04 10 13
Clubroom 6.30pm

Present:  Sandy Osborne, Jill Bruce, Mike Connor, Paul Copestake, John Osborne, Adrian Morgan, Donald Buchanan, Paul Driver, Robin Campbell,   

Apologies Gilly Meighan Robert White, Bobby Osborne,

Previous minutes 07 09 13 approved

Safety boat

Sandy Osborne offered to be Safety Boat Officer, to monitor maintenance issues and report problems to committee. Repairs include sealing floor leak and addressing gearbox (reverse gear).

New club dinghy.

It was decided the club needs a new club dinghy. If one cannot be sourced locally by March, the club will buy one.


Options comprise
1. A 100% grant from Coastal Community Fund - could be many hundreds of £1000’s
2. Crown estate grant of up £20,000
For pier work the club would need to be the pier leaseholder, with attendant liabilities and maintenance issues. Chicken and egg situation: should the club lease the pier and go for funding, or vice versa. Jill suggested we might be able to negotiate a lease, on condition we obtain funding to repair it.

Decision made to pursue course 2 and improve club property ( hardstanding).

ACTION - Sandy to speak to Tony Usher


Decision made to de-commission Black FF for next season

Youth programme

Paul advised he would be standing down as Welfare Officer, and new should now be appointed. The importance of parental input was stressed time and again. Without parents’ support any training programme is not feasible.
If parents want to have their children trained, then they must step forward. The club is not a service provider. Need to present a clear plan to parents.

It was decided the club should become RYA affiliated in order to tap into its expertise. Paul Copestake to arrange. After which a meeting to be convened of all interested parents, with a view to establishing a rota.

Paul D stated that the junior training programme was potentially harder to organise than older (Feva) age groups, who are more independent, competent and need less supervision. Easier to manage 2 Fevas than 3 Picos. “We need a progression of kids through the club: PD.

Safety boat and PL2 drivers are prerequisites for all dinghy sailing (insurance liability). Need to train more members to PL2. Club has 4 qualified and a few who have mislaid their certificates.

Action: Paul to speak to RYA about how to go about youth training; get parents to meet and discuss, and commit.


It was decided to buy a Feva. AJM to obtain quote from JP Watersports (done: £2,500) and fill in R&C grant form (£500) with Paul C’s help.

Paul Driver to raise deposit, to earmark good, refurbished dinghy, although delivery could wait until the new year. Cost includes trolly and cover and all refurbished gear (JP Watersports say “no maintenance for up to 4 years”)

Pledges to date amount to £250; Paul Driver has £500 in the bank from bag packing last year: total (with R&C grant) £1,250 leaving £1,250 to find from donations, club funds and young sailors fund raising.

Sailing programme

In 2014 the sailing programme is to be concentrated on Saturdays; Juniors from 10am; FFs from 2.30pm. Sundays to be pencilled in for Big Boat racing/sailing.


There will be a car boot sale fund raiser on 16 November

Christmas Party

Seaforth 21st December. Cost around £25.

Ends 2012