Present: Sandy
Osborne, Jill Bruce, Mike Connor, Paul Copestake, John Osborne, Adrian Morgan,
Donald Buchanan, Rona Johnson
Previous minutes 04 10 13 approved.
Outstanding matters: Sandy to speak Tony Usher; items
required for safety boat; new club dinghy (McNaughton dinghy an option, if not
the club is committed to buying one).
Tentative plans to be firmed up over the coming weeks in
time for the AGM on 15th March.
Club Day April 19th (general clear up and club/shed
Summer Cruise June 20th – July 5th
Shakedown Cruise May 30th
To be held at the club on 15th March, 6pm for
6.30pm, followed by a curry night. Suggestion that two or three “chefs” to
prepare meal, and members chip in with £5 to cover costs, rather than “too many
Rona to stand down as membership secretary; Paul Driver to
combine roles, if he agrees. With John O
now in the twilight of commodoreship, search now on for a Vice Commodore
Junior members to be treated as full members and appear on
membership lists. Contact details to be those of their parents or guardians for
Curry night
To be held after AGM on 15th March (see above).
Gill, Rona, Donald to liaise.
Moorings to be checked prior to launch. Gill and David to
prepare Freedom (new FF) with Adrian’s input. Materials needed: Hempels hard
racing antifoul (black); Hempels underwater primer.
Adrian to purchase and fit new shrouds (P&B £35 a pair).
Rubbing strips perhaps and minor dings etc. Jib halyard tensioner (Adrian).
Stuart McIntyre to champion Blue and White.
NB Word has it that Alastair will not be sailing a FF this
year. Efforts required to persuade him of the folly of his ways.
NB two sets of FF sails are being purchased for club/private
use. John Osborne.
Stored in Edinburgh, pick up to be arranged. Suggestion
(post meeting): no action to be taken until junior members who signed up for
Feva come up with a fund-raising plan. Aim: £500 towards costs.
All fettled and ready to launch (02 02 14) with new
footrests, seats, paint etc.
£30 skiff-only membership to be maintained for another 12
months and reviewed. Adrian suggested keeping the arrangement permanently for
those who just want to row, not sail. Although LBSC policy is to encourage
skiffers to become sailors and full members.
Young members
It was agreed that young members should be given more of a say
in club matters. Paul Driver to be asked to convene a Juniors Meeting sometime
between March 15th and April 19th to address issues.
Need to hire an RYA instructor this year after 2013 debacle.
RYA affiliation: Paul to pursue with Simon Patterson of RYA
Safety boat maintenance in hand (Sandy)
Shed: shelves needed and a clear out of stored junk (April
19th Club Day Project)
Tubs provided for gear (Donald)
Racks for FF sails
Sewing machine oil needed
Ends 1700