Loch Broom Sailing Club
AGM 15 March 2014 Club house 6.30pm
Present: Jill Bruce, Lisa Osborne, Shona Osborne, Andy Reeve, Sandy Osborne, Topher Dawson,
Robert White, Paul Driver, Ishbel Hartley, Donald Buchanan, Rona Johnson, Ruby
Coe, John Coe, Paul Copestake, Adrian Morgan, John Osborne, Kate Copestake,
Jason Leon, Gilly Meighan, Dyane Campbell, Neil Gerard, Sue Evans, Alison
Osborne, Bobby Osborne, David Maxwell, Lucy Gregson, Simon Gregson
Apologies: Rob Ferguson, Alex and Fraser Fotheringham, John
and Mary Macrae, Mike and Ann Lowson, Julie Murray, Karen Reeve, Mike Armitage,
Fiona Macdonald, Chris Steventon, Mike
Connor, Margaret Steventon, Kit Eatock, Mairi Osborne, Robin Campbell, Alastair
Apologies from non-members interested in Junior Programme: Geraldine
Murray, Simon Calder, Bev Macgregor, Kathleen Mackay, Christine Crook,
Previous AGM Minutes 15 04 13 approved: Paul Copestake; Jason
Commodore’s report
A good year, albeit plagued by weather at times
and equipment problems.
Strong membership, up to date records, and new
finance system worked well, with thanks to John Coe, Paul Driver and Rona
Strong run of meetings and actions from
Outside shelter a boon to club activities
Electrics sorted with new water heater
refurbed after successful season (2 bronzes)
Strong FF season with close handicap racing and
match racing with Chanonry. New club FF for this season and Feva which could be
a catalyst for more youth sailing
Cruising curtailed by weather with a tough
summer cruise
Wylde Swan to the Shiants. No exclusive club
outing this year unless numbers up
Youth sailing struggled a bit due to weather and
breakdowns, and need for supervision.
New club dinghy
Insurance premium down
Aims for 2014: no major projects planned. Youth
sailing to be concentrated upon. The main object being more safe sailing and
fun afloat.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report showed a healthy bank balance, which
stood at £4,022 at 31 December 2012 (£4,882.32)
despite significant expenditure on improvements, Feva, outside shelter etc.
This is due in large part to the simplified regime devised by John Coe and implemented by Paul Driver.
Despite Feva purchase (£2,500 of which £1,469 donated by club members and
R&C grant etc) , Shelter and other club improvements the deficit was only
£1,000. Overall the club is making money, so we can afford to spend.
There are running costs we can’t avoid (electrics, final
bill outstanding, insurance). Car park needs refurbishment after storms. But
aiming to spend less this year.
“The money was spent wisely”, comment from Sue Evans.
Proposed John Coe; seconded Sue Evans
Election of committee
Commodore: John
Osborne (Donald; Gilly)
Vice Commodore: Adrian
Morgan (John O; Paul D)
Secretary: Paul
Copestake (John O; Adrian)
Treasurer & Membership Secretary: Paul Driver (Shona, Sue)
(Rona Johnson to stand down)
Boat Officers
Skiff Liaison Officer (SLO): Jill Bruce
RIB: Sandy
Skiff: Paul
Cruisers: John O
FFs: Adrian
Committee: Robert White, Sue Evans, Jill Bruce, Paul Driver,
Bobby Osborne, Sandy Osborne, Robin Campbell, Donald Buchanan,
Mike Connor, Gilly Meighan, Sue Evans, Dave Maxwell, Neil Gerard, Mike Lowson,
Alison Osborne (plus club officers)
Launch and clear car park in early May (FFs earlier, 20th
April). Pico Week to be decided 7th/14th July.
Youth programme
A renewed effort, spearheaded by Alison, Dave Maxwell and
Paul Driver to provide the younger members with supervised sailing experience
and tuition.
However, there will be no youth programme without the active
support of parents as the club is not set up as a training establishment.
A reliable safety boat is a key issue and Sandy is making
good progress in ensuring the RIB is in good order for the season.
The need to keep to CP policy and current legislation was
stressed. A strong sub-committee and interested parentrs will oversee the
programme and report separately.
RYA affiliation in hand. This will bring benefits including
help to implement CP policy and hire qualified sailing instructors.
More fund raising needed for Feva from younger users.
Skiff book sale
raised £120
Rona thanked Paul D
for patience on grumpy days and vice versa.
Ends 1937