Loch Broom
Sailing Club
Annual General Meeting
6pm for 6.30pm
Saturday 15th
March 2014
LBSC clubhouse
(NB Please arrive
promptly as we intend to start without delay)
1 Apologies for absence
2 Minutes of previous AGM (16th March 2013) attached
3 Commodore’s report
4 Treasurer’s report
5 Committee to stand down (chair to outgoing vice commodore)
6 Election of Committee
Vice Commodore
Committee members
7 Sailing programme and proposals for 2014 season
8 Junior programme plans
Loch Broom Sailing Club
AGM 16 March 2013 Royal Hotel 7.00pm
Present: Jill Bruce, Lisa
Osborne, Karen Reeve, Shona Osborne, Martin Shairp, Andy Reeve, Sandy Osborne,
Tope Dawson, Robert White, Paul Driver, Ishbel Hartley, Dougie Matheson, Donald
Buchanan, Rona Johnson, Iain Boyd, Ruby Coe, John Coe, Paul Copestake, Adrian
Morgan, John Osborne, Kate Copestake, Jason Leon, Gilly Meighan
Apologies: Mike and
AnnLowson, Mike Armitage, Fiona Macdonald, Sue Evans, Chris Steventon, Mike Connor,
Margaret Steventon
Previous AGM Minutes 07 04 12
approved: Kate Copestake; Dougie Matheson
Commodore’s report
Another successful year, with lots of sailing,
and lots of activity.
Membership numbers steady, and new finance
system worked well
Strong run of meetings and actions from
Club refurb at start of year – new hatch, new
cladding, new shed
Active Blog !
Resurfaced car park; more work needed to
Big new temporary shelter now 2/3 built
Much discussion on wee pier – decide to go small
and get further small fixes done (concreting, stabilisation, etc)
Two successful curry nights
RIB refurbished by Chris Steventon
Cruising was successful with following trips:
Sound of Harris in May
Trip around Skye in June
Heb Fest in July.
Sally’s 75th @ Isle Martin
Most active year yet on Flying Fifteens, with up
to 9 boats going head to head. Moorings currently under refurb.
FF races moved to successful Saturday 2 pm slot
Very competitive with close starts and close
First ever tuition session held (John Simpson)
Pico week held and a number of weekend sessions
Loki had a steady year raced at Coigach and
prizes were taken at regatta in June. Various tweaks throughout year.
Treasurer’s Report
The treasurer’s report showed
a healthy bank balance, which stood at £4,882.32 as at 31 December 2012. This
is due in large part to the simplified, all-in-one fee regime devised and
implemented by the outgoing incumbent, John Coe who had been in the post an
unprecedented six years. For his work over that period he was given thanks by
the commodore and a round of enthusiastic applause.
With a total income of
£6,618.41, and expenses of £4,457.39, the surplus for the year to 31 December
2012 stood at £2,161.02, before an insurance premium of around £1,500 (currently
being renegotiated by Sandy Osborne). Thus, it appears, the finances have been
left in rude health for the new treasurer, Paul Driver**, to run with.
The only major capital
expenses to come will be the lean-to at around £1,000.
Proposed/seconded: Ian Boyd,
John Macrae
Election of committee
Commodore: John Osborne
Vice Commodore: Paul Copetake
Secretary: Adrian Morgan
**Treasurer: Paul Driver
Membership Secretary: Rona
(all elected or re-elected by
unanimous show of hands)
Committee: Robert White, Sue
Evans, Jill Bruce, Paul Driver, Bobby Osborne, Seamus Nairn, Sandy Osborne,
Robin Campbell, Donald Buchanan, Mike Connor, Gilly Meighan, Sue Evans (plus
club officers)
It was suggested that the
committee co-opt some of the younger members.
Smartie Amnesty
The Smartie Scheme which had
a potential to raise £500, netted a disappointing (but still highly lucrative)
£106. Members who have scoffed the drops and failed to stump up the dosh are
urged to search their consciences and report to Paul Driver.
Meeting closed 19.47pm