Thank you to all those who turned out on a day meant for walking in the hills, tending the garden, sipping Sangria in the shade, hang gliding, gorge jumping, kayaking or even sailing in order to give the old LBSC a spring clean.
Tasks achieved: club scrubbed, loo spotless, Loki gear stowed (Kate, Jill and crew); club surrounds raked and cleared (Sandy, Andy, Paul and gang); shed transformed (Donald) and many other chores too numerous to mention (Jason, Jilly, Dave, Shona and El Commodorio himself, who also found time to dive on the trots).
AND, we have HOT WATER, thanks to Mr Campbell.
Apologies to all those missed from the list.
All is looking spick and span ready for the new season. But the crowning achievement of the day and the next must be Donald's work in making the shed fit for FF sails, outboards and gerbils.
And for those who require proof here is the before photo:
and here is the after one: