Saturday's training sessions were a great success thanks to the huge effort put in by Paul, Alison, Ishbel, Dave and others too numerous to mention, and of course Rob, the RYA instructor who was a model of calm proficiency.
With luck we might persuade one of the participants to write a review of the day, but for now here are some photos.
Meanwhile here's an update from Dave Maxwell:
"Hi folks,
It was was great to see all of the younger club members out sailing in the sunshine yesterday (8 in the morning and 2 again in the afternoon) and I think you'll agree that sessions was a big success! Thanks to Rob (our Senior Instructor) and of course the good weather. We also benefited from Allan (our second instructor from Kinlochbervie High School) who kindly came along along too and pitched straight in to help.
To build on the momentum from yesterday Alison is hoping to coordinate a couple of ad-hoc evening or weekend sessions during June with the safety boat (but no instructors). These will probably be at short notice, depending on the weather and availability of a qualified boat driver so look out for a call/email from Alison."