Minutes of Meeting 12th March 2021 at
17:30 by conference call
Donald Buchanan (Chair & Commodore:
DB), Paul Copestake (PC), David Dawson (Secretary: DD), Sandy Osborne (SO), John Osborne (JO), Robert White (RW), Adrian
Morgan (Vice Commodore: AM).
Apologies: Alison Osborne (AO), Bobby Osborne (BO), Gill Wilson (GW), John Mitchell (JM), Nat
Wilson (NW) ), Anthony O’Flaherty (AF), Gilly Meighan (GM), Dave Maxwell (Treasurer: DM).
Minutes and matters arising
The minutes
for the meeting on 19th February were approved and it was agreed
that the prizegiving date be set when the release of Covid restriction becomes
Office-Bearers and Committee
It was reported that there had been no formal
nominations yet from the outside the committee. PC is willing to stand as
Commodore and DD & DM are happy to continue as secretary and treasurer; these
candidates will therefore be presented for confirmation at the AGM. The committee agreed that the posts of Vice
Commodore and other members of the committee will be determined on the night
either from the floor or by requests for nomination received between now and
the AGM. At the AGM existing committee
members will be adopted if willing to remain active. It was noted that the committee can be up to
12 additional folk but only requires enough to ensure that committees have the
required quorum of 5. Members can be
co-opted by the committee outside the AGM.
The next AGM communication to members will
include: a Zoom link, reminder about the office-bearer nomination process and
the Committee’s recommendation. Accompanying this will be the Commodore and
Treasurer’s reports.DD
Apart from Office -bearers, there will be:
a brief outline of hoped for sailing
activity PC and
a brief of the status of the clubhouse
committee SO
Shore St/Inner harbour development plan
It was
agreed that the committee write to Kevin Peach re the Shore St/Inner harbour
development plan. JO to
Current Clubhouse
Thanks to AM
who has completed the decoration of the club room.JO will oversee the
completing of lighting, changing toom, galley and loo. It
was agreed that the
club fund a professional cleaner starting from the time when the clubhouse is
back in use.
Future of Clubhouse
PC outlined
the state of work by the group with the aim of conducting consultation with
potential partner groups to ascertain their wants and the conducting of a
feasibility study. JO has provided a project plan for the study which will
possibly be funded by HIE.
There being no other business, the
meeting finished at 18:10