Thanks to the efforts of Iain Boyd and Robin Campbell, the mussel rafts that broke free at Loggie are now either secure, or resting alongside the wee pier. Using the considerable momentum of Eilean Dubh, (aka Thunderbird 3) the rafts were wrenched from the rocks where they lay, and towed to safety.
As the operation was conducted the morning after the annual dinner, it called for service way beyond the call of duty. The rafts, in contrast to their rescuers that morning, were far from fragile, despite having lain on the beach for many years, until last week's north westerly, combined with a huge tide and storm surge plucked them from the high water mark and set them loose. Meanwhile the steel barge which ran amok that night through the Loggie fleet is now anchored to two trees on the pebble beach south east of the bay, and plans are afoot either to leave it to settle where it is, by cutting holes in the tanks, or tow it to a place of safety.