While it's still fresh in my mind, the FF meeting seems to have boiled down to this:
FF fettling
Club boats to be given identical mainsheet systems as per Ffly (see blog below for photo). It mean that casual sailors won't be bamboozled by a variety of systems when swapping boats.
Action: I have ordered the necessary bits from P&B, cost £20 per boat. It includes three plain bearing 8mm Barton blocks, and the rest we can cobble up from club stores.
The order includes enough 2.5m vectran cord to make shroud lashings and do away with unnecessary stainless bits and pieces, bottlescrews etc. I have also ordered one 9m, 8mm mainsheet as a spare (Donald has enough for the other two). Plus a burgee for whoever wants one. I have two spares, so everyone will have one by the start of the season. Just ask me.
We will sort out the jib halyard systems on all three boats when it comes to fitting out. They are crucial, and allow the rig to be tensioned properly for efficient jib luff upwind and slackened on the mooring to ease strain on furler, and also a little downwind (if you are feeling really keen). B&Blue is OK (but Chris need to check condition of wire). Black and Red both need a better system. I have a muscle block somewhere for one boat and we can cobble together a powerful tackle for the other. Same goes for the kickers on all boats.
NB there is a supply of jib sheet in the shed. We must gather all the spare shiny stuff, blocks, etc in one place as see what we have.
First priority is to try and scrape all the old antifoul off. I will try a hot air gun and scraper tomorrow.
We have good sails for all boats. We invested a large sum last year in secondhand sails. Just need to roll them carefully on the boom after racing, or they won't last long and will become very slow.
Red needs foam cut out. I have some spare buoyancy bags for anyone who needs them. Two big bow bags, stern bag and side bags as well. Just ask me.
Race fees
£1 per person per race (more if you like) to cushion sailing club funds, the money to be spent if necessary on the club boats. If we can raise, say, £200 a season that would easily cover (normal) wear and tear and maybe a celebratory night out...
Most races will be run ad hoc, as per last season, but with one "trophy" race or so a month that will be timed and handicapped properly, Gold, Silver and Classic. Paul will organise handicaps and hopefully John and Ruby Coe will be able to race officiate, now that the former is fully qualified.
Start line
Difficult. Need to have a good long look at alternatives, especially mid season when the anchorage will be choc a bloc. Maybe a buoy set off the visitor moorings? Committee to ponder.
Donald's system to rank skippers (and boats). He will explain the details as and when, and run it. Paul offered to make a ladder to hang on the clubroom wall.
Race training
Early season sessions for everyone keen to go FF sailing. Weekend April 28/29, the weekend after the opening race. Over 16s only? Or full diclosure may be required (but not if we can help it).
First race 21 April
That's all I can remember after a glass and a half of Donald's Venezuelan shiraz (or was it Madagascan Muscadet?)...