Loch Broom Sailing Club.
Date of Issue 25th July 2020
LBSC will follow government Guidance, with enhanced advice from RYA and also take note of other Highland Sailing Clubs. A covid-19 group has been set up to communicate advice on club facilities and activities.
1. Follow FACTS, Face Coverings, Avoid Crowds, Clean Hands, Two meters social distance, Test if symptomatic.
2. 5 households can meet up to 15 people.
3. The club has a sanitizer supplied by Visit Ullapool.
4. Arrive in the gear required for outdoor activity.
5. The Clubhouse is out of bounds, but preparations and cleaning instructions are being made to open up the toilet.
6. The wee pier and surrounds are a public space, and tables are used by the public.
7. Be sensitive to additional measures for people ‘shielding’.
Flying Fifteens
1. Boats and their tenders are used by single households.
2. Club boats are allocated, but can be used by others by arrangement and 72 hours spatial separation.
3. Co-ordination by What’s App Group (administered by David Maxwell)
Club Dinghies (Pico’s, Feva)
1. These can be used, with boats numbered and allocated to households but can be used by others by arrangement and 72 hours temporal separation or disinfection.
2. All users must make good any breakages and ensure boats are cleaned and stored properly after use.
3. Dinghies can be used without a safety boat subject to
a. Competence of sailor (Endorsed by committee confirmed by email)
b. Suitable weather (< F5 gusts forecast).
c. Restricted range – (within view of sailing club).
4. Safety boat:
a. Users to look at and follow videos guidance, includes Covid-19 compliant rescue techniques and operation by single person.
b. Private safety boats can be used, (committee approval by email).
c. Club Rib can be used by approved by persons, single person crewing OK.
d. Generally club rib to be kept ashore, if in regular use over a week can be kept on mooring for a maximum of 10 days.
5. Dinghy and safety boat use to be co-ordinated by what’s App group (administered by Jason Leon). Those sailing without safety boat should also post a note.
Coastal Rowing
1. Scottish Coastal Rowing Association advises that rowing does not currently comply with government guidance. Loki is therefore not to be used.
1. Up to individual boat owners, but see RYA guidance. Harbour is open for use and up to 3 households can cruise, while maintaining 2 meter spacing aboard!
Relevant Guidance
1. Coronavirus (COVID-19) Phase 3: Scotland's route map update https://www.gov.scot/publications/coronavirus-covid-19-framework-decision-making-scotlands-route-map-through-out-crisis-phase-3-update/
2. RYA Scotland Guidance. https://www.rya.org.uk/scotland/representation/Pages/Return-to-Boating.aspx
3. Channoryhttps://www.chanonry.org.uk/return-to-boating.html
5. Scottish Coastal Rowinghttps://scottishcoastalrowing.org/2020/05/28/scra-guidance-for-a-safe-return-to-rowing-on-the-sea-when-revised-government-guidance-permits/
6. Scottish Canoe Associationhttps://www.canoescotland.org/#gsc.tab=0
7. Ullapool Harbourhttp://www.ullapool-harbour.co.uk/
Safety Boat Guidance
1. Single crewing of a safety boat. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xny40ijRMnI
2. General safety boat tips https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuMJ2ExA79k