As outlined in the Minutes below, based on replies to a questionnaire** circulated to all members, the Committee agreed to set up a project team to explore future options for the club house.

NB Of the 66 questionnaires sent, 32 responses were received, with multiple responses from some families.

** For a copy of the results of the questionnaire contact David Dawson, Secretary

 The current members of the project team include, others are welcome:

Project leaders Sandy Osborne and Paul Copestake: 

Members John Osborne, Alan Rankin, Gilly Meighan, Tim Loftus, Robert White, Adrian Morgan.

Background The Sailing Clubhouse was built over 50 years ago on land gifted by one of the club’s founding members; we also benefit hugely from the road access, wee pier and additional hard standing, all now belonging to the Ullapool Harbour Trust.  At the end of 2019 the Sailing club undertook to freshen up the clubhouse.  Sadly, in the process we identified major flaws to the roof which at some future point needs major work.   For now, the clubhouse has been fixed, and while we are committed to a structural review in 2025, most of the work we have set out to do has been done and when we are able to use it again post Covid we will be able to enjoy a much-improved facility.     

It is pure co-incidence this clubhouse project is beginning at a time when plans for Shore Street and the Inner Harbour have been presented to the community. Although the two projects are unconnected, clearly, any opportunities offered by them need to be explored.

Next Steps The project is in the earliest stage.  The first stage is to undertake a feasibility project, gather information, and identify funders for a formal feasibility study to set out our options, of which the second is preferred (see below).  This study will allow us to take stock, consult again, and if the results of the study are encouraging, and members in agreement, look how best to take the project forward.

It is therefore vital that members acquaint themselves with the wide ranging findings of the questionnaire ** to understand the full implications of any decisions.

** For a copy of the results of the questionnaire contact David Dawson, Secretary

Very briefly, the options are, essentially:

  1. do nothing, and continue using the old clubhouse, sharing it with the Ullapool Coastal Rowing Club and informally with other users until such time as structural work maybe required.
  2. consult with the community as to a wider use of the club, relinquish LBSC’s sole use (possibly ownership of the land) seek funding to build a new facility, aka Community Watersports Centre, comprising among others sailing, skiffing, kayaking, wild swimming, wind surfing, powerboating, water skiing, High School use, paddle boarding, cycling, diving and the local arts community.

Based on the questionnaire responses, feelers are being put out to investigate the latter.

We can answer questions at the AGM, but for now nothing is being proposed that requires formal endorsement by the club’s membership.