Minutes of Meeting 19th February 2021 at 17:30 by conference call


1)      Present/Apologies

Donald Buchanan (Chair & Commodore: DB), Paul Copestake (PC), David Dawson (Secretary: DD), Sandy Osborne (SO), John Osborne (JO), Robert White (RW), Anthony O’Flaherty (AF), Gilly Meighan (GM), Adrian Morgan (Vice Commodore: AM), Dave Maxwell (Treasurer: DM).


Apologies:, , Alison Osborne (AO), Bobby Osborne (BO), Gill Wilson (GW), John Mitchell (JM), Nat Wilson (NW).


2)      Clubhouse

Introduced by PC, DD presented the findings of the questionnaire of members re the use and possible development of clubhouse. The members who responded have expressed clear views as shown in the presentation. A  discussion followed with all committee members expressing their views. It was agreed that:


Existing Building

JO be ‘clerk of works’ to complete the refreshing of the current clubhouse following the work of Hugh Stirling. JO


Possible Development of the Clubhouse

The committee agreed that the results of the questionnaire was that the club is authorised to set up a working group to explore:

-          the development of the LBSC clubhouse and its facilities

-          possible partnerships with other Wee Pier user groups

-          external funding opportunities

The committee recognise that some members expressed concern about ownership. It is the case that no change to formal ownership of the building is possible without the express agreement of the membership. It is also recognised that although the land that the clubhouse stands on belongs to the club, the ownership of the surrounding land is fragmented.


PC, JO and DD were thanked for their work on the questionnaire and its analysis.


3)      AGM & Prizegiving

AGM - DB proposed and it was agreed that the AGM be held on Saturday 27th March at 16:00, hopefully in person but if not on Zoom. Necessary notices to be sent to members. DD The possible showing of Ghillie O’Flacharty’s film was also discussed. AO

Prizegiving It was agreed that this be deferred until a physical meeting is possible. The committee expressed its hope that PC would prepare one of his excellent presentations.


4)      AOB

DM was thanked for his presentation of last year’s accounts and ongoing work as treasurer.

It was agreed that £500 to be paid to Hugh Stirling for his work on the clubhouse DM

AM was thanked for his work on the club trot moorings.

The practicalities of the mini refurb to the clubhouse was discussed. JO

SO requested attendance and support for the public presentation of the proposed Shore Street and harbour developments. All


There being no other business, the meeting finished at 16:15