1.       Present
Donald Buchanan, Rona Johnson, Adrian Morgan, Paul Copestake, Kate Copestake, Sandy Osborne, David Dawson, Jason Leon, Gilly Meighan, John Osborne, Jill Bruce, Robert White, Anthony O’Flaherty, Alex Loftus & Paul Driver.



2.       Minutes of 2019 AGM

Having been circulated in advance it was agreed that the minutes were an accurate record of proceedings. Proposed Gillian Meighan, Seconded Donald Buchanan and unanimously agreed.


3.       Commodore’s Report

The Commodore’s report was circulated in advance and the Commodore thanked the club for their support and wished his successor well. David Dawson proposed a vote of thanks to Donald for his service to the club in the past three years and this was unanimously agreed.  


4.       Treasurer’s Report

The Treasurer’s report was circulated in advance Acceptance of the report was Proposed by Donald Buchanan,  seconded by David Dawson and unanimously agreed.


5.       Election of Officers and Committee

·         Commodore and Committee stood down, Secretary took the chair. All proposals were unanimously agreed.

·         The committee recommended that Paul Copestake be Commodore, proposed Anthony O’Flaherty, seconded Alex Loftus and unanimously agreed

·         Commodore took the chair

·         PC indicated that John Osborne has agreed to stand as Vice Commodore; proposed David Dawson, seconded Gillian Meighan and unanimously agreed

·         PC also reported that Dave Maxwell – Treasurer and David Dawson - Secretary had agreed to remain in post; proposed Alex Loftus, seconded Kate Copestake and unanimously agreed

·         Membership secretary – PC to ask John Mitchell if he is prepared to remain in post.

·         Committee: PC reminded the meeting that committee members need to be active in supporting committee meetings etc. He then asked for volunteers to serve and  those prepared to serve as members were Gillian Meighan, Robert White, Sandy Osbourne, Adrian Morgan, Anthony O’Flaherty & Donald Buchanan. PC also reminded the meeting that the committee has the powers to co-opt additional members as required.

·         PC thanked Adrian Morgan for his service as Vice Commodore.


6.       Launch of 2019 Sailing Plan 

Paul Copestake outlined the current timeline of proposed releasing the covid restrictions:

·         2nd April – Travel to launch or fettle boats permitted

·         5th  April – Children under 17 permitted to sail with non-family members

·         26th April – Clubhouse Loo open to members

·         17th May – Resume outside contact sports including Rowing and Sailing with non-family members.

Flying Fifteen racing theoretically possible from 2nd April if restricted to family members only but proposed date will be confirmed by committee meeting in next few weeks.


A number of those at the AGM outlined plans for sailing all subject to Covid restrictions.


7.       AOB

Current Clubhouse:

·         Sandy Osborne outlined the structural repairs completed in 2021.

·         John Osborne reported the status of the re-fettling expected to be complete by 3/4/21

Clubhouse Development:

Following completion of the members’ questionnaire on use of the clubhouse and approach to collaboration with other groups, PC reported that a Development Group had been formed under Paul and Sandy’s leadership with the next steps being to:

1.       Consult with other groups (under way)

2.       Prepare a feasibility study probably externally funded

3.       After completion of 2, seek LBSC members’ agreement to the proposal

4.       Consult with the community over the proposal.

Prizegiving for 2020
Date to be agreed at the next committee meeting, ideally when physical meeting is allowed.

8.       Closure

There being no further business, the meeting closed at 16:29