Draft Minutes of Meeting 3rd May at 18:30 conference
Paul Copestake (Commodore: PC), John Osborne (Vice Commodore: JO), Dave
Maxwell (Treasurer: DM), David Dawson (Secretary: DD), Sandy Osborne (SO), Robert
White (RW), Adrian Morgan (AM), Gilly Meighan (GM), Donald Buchanan (DB), Anthony O’Flaherty (AF).
Apologies: John Mitchell (JM)
Minutes and matters arising
The minutes
for the committee meeting on 6th April were proposed seconded and approved.
There were no matters arising not on the agenda.
Clubhouse and Surrounds
a) Existing
Adrian was commended for his efforts to get
the clubhouse ready for this season. JO said we need ‘hard’ chairs and a table
to complete the Club Room. Potential free/cheap furniture to be run past JO. All
b) Future
PC said that he and SO will meet the RYA on Wednesday
5th May. PC & SO
c) Boat
park - Access
PC met with Kevin Peach UHT Harbourmaster (to
be a monthly catch up). Kevin raised
concerns he had received that the boat park does not leave room for emergency
access to the inner harbour beach and is generally too full facilitate turning
room for cars and trailers launching boats.
As an initial step, members to
keep dinghy/boat parking away from the clubhouse side of the boat park and
dinghies to remain moveable. All Possible
future steps include boxed junction type markings in cleared area and sign at
the top of the ramp, to look again at options for reducing the footprint of
dinghies (rack?)
PC to inform members
d) Boat
Park - Trailers
As an extension of c) Three out of four FF
trailers to be moved to a secure area in the village with one being left in the
boat park for emergency use. RW
e) Wee
Pier Cleaning Rota
Per PC’s note, the Club has signed up to 6
cleanings of the Wee Pier top this season. All encouraged to sign up to share
the work. All
Covid Update
PC reported that this is opening up now with
current permitted activity as follows:
Youth contact sport - including Saturday
morning supervised sailing,
Adult non-contact - including single household
FF racing and family overnight cruising
Outside meeting up to 6 from 3 families
Clubhouse use of loo
and changing facilities only
More opening up
expected in following weeks.
Sailing and Water Activities
a) Champions
FF - AM is stepping back as FF Committee Champion,
replacement TBA
Youth – Jason
Adult training - PGC
Cruising – JO
Rowing – PC relinquishing role, replacement TBA
b) Activity
FF – Warm up
racing already commenced, Ffavaneous to be launched
Youth – JL
reported a good start to Saturday AM sailing with all Picos afloat and
expectations of Topper (with AF’s repair work) and Feva expected to be used in
future. Possibility of Feva for sale. Radio fettling still in progress. Club
rib engine starts and runs but awaiting service. Pioneer Yamaha also needs
servicing, (water pump service kit purchased in case required to address poor
cooling water flow). Gavin aware that engines need servicing but he works at
his own pace. JL/SO
Cruising – Rough
timetable to be prepared JO
Fees - It was agreed that future fees (including
Club Moorings) be discussed at a future committee meeting. PC
postponed until it can take place in person.
Proposed dates
to JO including personal cruising dates, perhaps late May short cruise
Campbell Cup
July/Aug. All
New Members & Mentors
new members include Alisdair Floyd, Bryony and Rachel Horsburgh.
It was
agreed that mentors be appointed to help include new members to the club
activities. Volunteers to PC. All
GM reported that Seasavers are to have
a two, two day day training sessions for RYA power boat level 2 between 14th-17th
May. The plan is to use Jason and Gilly’s
rib but like club rib needs servicing.
Given that 3 of the group are also LBSC trainees they have asked that if
their boat or another boat is unavailable could the club boat be made available.
In principle yes subject to correct insurance, supervision and any breakages
made good. The Trainer is Euan Carruthers of https://youandsea.com/ They were selected as the UHI/UHT RYA courses are not able to train
youths under 18. If it goes well this
may be an option for LBSC to consider for other youths. Euan looking to use the clubhouse as a base, Covid
rules permit this for recognised instruction and Euan is accredited for Covid
compliance. GM/PGC to take forward with
sea savers.
Club blue/white tender repair AO
PC plans a fiberglass workshop over
the summer. PC(plus volunteers).
Very few subscriptions are still
outstanding. Remaining being chased JM.
Next Meeting
June at 18:30 by Zoom All.
Papers to
members a week in advance. JO/PC/DD
10) Close
There being no other business, the
meeting finished at 19:35