Latest Committee Meeting Minutes


      Loch Broom Sailing Club

Minutes of Meeting 7th July at 18:30 outside the clubhouse


1)      Present/Apologies

Paul Copestake (Commodore: PC), John Osborne (Vice Commodore: JO), David Dawson (Secretary: DD), Adrian Morgan (AM), John Mitchell (JM), Gilly Meighan (GM), Donald Buchanan (DB).

Apologies: Sandy Osborne (SO), Dave Maxwell (DM)


2)      Minutes and matters arising

a)      The minutes for the committee meeting on 7th June were approved with minor changes; there were no matters arising not on the agenda except carried forward:

i)        Loch Broom Sailing Club Introductory Notes. AM was thanked for his drafting; it was agreed that PC condense the text. PC

b)     Existing Clubhouse

It was agreed that JO oversee the work outside including sorting mast and club rib storage. Complete

c)      PC reported that the cosmetic design of the proposed Shore St development was being reviewed.

d)     Harbourmaster feedback PC reported no issues but KP reports that as the small boat tie up is already overcrowded  he would not want  the  Pioner to be kept at the inner harbour.  Keep at mooring.


3)       COVID Update

PC gave an overview of the expected changes to Governmental rules and other guidance expected changes are 19th July and 9th August. PC



4)      Sailing and Water Activities changes from last version marked in red

a)      Calendar

i)          18 to 20 June - shakedown cruise (aiming for the Shiants).

ii)        9 to 18 of July - Main Summer Cruise (Skye)

iii)      17 to 18 July - Ullapool Coastal Rowing Club - local regatta No formal entry as crews not ready but UCRC will let us squeeze in at short notice

iv)      19 to 23 of July – Junior Sailing Week with up to 15 participants and 5 instructors! GM/JL

v)        24 to 25 July Possible date for LBSC regatta with proposed raft up and 2020 prizegiving. (PGC)

vi)      21 August - Noel's fishing day (can we add a sailing/fishing element to this?) (Organiser to be agreed)

vii)    28 August - Campbell's cup - Isle Martin (TBC) (1st weekend after Highland schools go back). DM requested to follow up changed date with Isle Martin Trust PGC

viii)  6 to 12 September Isle Martin seaweed Festival

b)     Routine Activities

i)        1st Monday of each month LBSC committee 6:30pm at the clubhouse.

ii)      Every Tuesday meeting at the sailing club for a red tin.. 8pm - To confirm sailing plans for the Saturday (youths - adult ff sessions) and possible times for evening and weekend FF races (targeting optimal weather) All

iii)    Most Saturdays 10am to 1pm; youth sailing (Picos/Fevas/Toppers) and for adults in flying fifteens or possibly bigger boats. Recruit junior members All.

i)        FF Racing to be Tues 17:30 (fall back Wed) and Sat 16:00 (fall back Sun)

iv)    Possible separate midweek and weekend racing series.

v)      Fettle and deploy race markers Completed

vi)    Rowing – some weekend rowing undertaken more planned.

c)      Other

i)        Sea Savers – powerboat training successfully completed, some of the youths not in LBSC are joining the club to participate youth activities

ii)      Rib – dry sailing working well, secure storage options to be agreed. JO

iii)    Pioner – AM thanked for his draft notes on use. It was agreed that the possibility of storing it at the harbour pontoon be assessed including security SO


5)      Treasurer’s Report

DM reported £9.5k in the bank,

membership income £2.9k

costs of around £3.6k spent on the clubhouse refurbishment in 20 & this year so far.

£1.7K paid in June for 2021 insurance.


6)      New Members

JM reported that new memberships in June were as follows: one Family three Junior and two Instructor memberships. At present total membership is Adult 90 and Junior c36.


7)      Clubhouse Wider Consultation

PC & DD reported around six responses from non-club stakeholder groups, follow up of non-responders to be followed in July. PC/DD

PC reported positive expectation of grant funding.

Consultations with RYA going well with possibility of Ullapool’s facilities being used for official RYA sailing and powerboat training courses. Robyn Phillips and Ryan Beatie will be at the youth week with an opportunity to discuss future options.   


8)      AOB

a)      LBSC-UCRC MoU and payment. PC stated that a simplified charging algorithm was being worked on with DD. The aim of the revised calculations is that they will be the basis for charging UCRC and any other non-club users of our facilities. PC reminded the meeting that part of the LBSC’s terms for owning the land is that the activities must not be commercial.   PC/DD

b)     Use of Club Feva

Conditions for possible use of Feva without a safety boat are work in progress. Insurance position to be confirmed with DM. JO


9)      Close

There being no other business, the meeting finished at 19:35