June 7th Committee Meeting Minutes


      Loch Broom Sailing Club

Minutes of Meeting 7th June at 18:30 conference call


1)      Present/Apologies

Paul Copestake (Commodore: PC), John Osborne (Vice Commodore: JO), Dave Maxwell (Treasurer: DM), David Dawson (Secretary: DD), Sandy Osborne (SO), Adrian Morgan (AM), Gilly Meighan (GM), Donald Buchanan (DB), Anthony O’Flaherty (AF).

Apologies: John Mitchell (JM)


2)      Minutes and matters arising

The minutes for the committee meeting on 3rd May were approved; there were no matters arising not on the agenda.


3)       COVID Update

PC reported that the region was at level 1 with potential to move to level 0 later this month. General advice for members to follow the very well advised Chanonry Sailing Club (link), and RYA (link) All


4)      Clubhouse and Surrounds

a)      Existing Clubhouse

JO reported all internal work completed. It was agreed that JO oversee the work outside including sorting mast and club rib storage. JO

b)     Wee Pier cleaning rota A copy to be placed in clubhouse  - all LBSC slots filled for this year.

c)      Future Clubhouse

PC said that he and SO met with the RYA on 5th May who gave plenty of advice and will be invaluable later in the project. Stakeholders to be asked for their opinions. PC/DD


5)      Sailing and Water Activities

a)      Calendar

i)          18 to 20 June - shakedown cruise (aiming for the Shiants).

ii)        9 to 18 of July - Main Summer Cruise (Skye)

iii)      17 - 18 July - Ullapool Coastal Rowing Club - local regatta. (Attendance-support).

iv)      19 to 23 of July - Pico week with up to 6 instructors! GM/JL

v)        24 - 25 July Possible date for LBSC regatta. (TBC)

vi)      21 August - Campbell's cup - Isle Martin (TBC) (1st weekend after Highland schools go back). Confirm date and access with Isle Martin Trust DM

vii)    28 August - Noel's fishing day (can we add a sailing/fishing element to this?)

viii)  6 to 12 September Isle Martin seaweed Festival

b)     Routine Activities

i)        1st Monday of each month LBSC committee 6pm at the clubhouse.

ii)      Every Tuesday meeting at the sailing club for a red tin.. 8pm - To confirm sailing plans for the Saturday (youths - adult ff sessions) and possible times for evening and weekend FF races (targeting optimal weather) All

iii)    Most Saturdays 10am to 1pm; youth sailing (Picos/Fevas/Toppers) and for adults in flying fifteens or possibly bigger boats. All

i)        FF Racing to be Tues 17:30 (fall back Wed) and Sat 16:00 (fall back Sun)

iv)    Possibly separate midweek and weekend racing series.

v)      Fettle and deploy race markers PC/JO/DD/SO

c)      Other

i)        Sea Savers – powerboat training successfully completed, some of the youths not in LBSC are joining the club to participate youth activities

ii)      Rib – dry sailing working well, secure storage options to be agreed. JO

iii)    Pioner – AM thanked for his draft notes on use. It was agreed that the possibility of storing it at the harbour pontoon be assessed including security SO


6)      Club Administration

a)      Loch Broom Sailing Club Introductory Notes. AM was thanked for his drafting; it was agreed that PC condense the text. PC

b)     Harbourmaster feedback PC reported no issues, KP happy that the turning area at the top of the slip is being kept clear. All

c)      LBSC-UCRG MoU and payment. JR from UCRC emailed referring to the draft MoU between UCRC and LBSC This accounts for the for variance in spend by LBSC from year to year (Capital and revenue costs) in determining the charge levied for use by UCRC: recognising this UCRC have earmarked funds for any additional costs.  After lengthy discussion it was agreed that the MoU should be completed and fee for 2021 be determined accordingly.   PC

d)     Finance DM reported £11k[PCP1]  in the bank and costs of £3.6k spent on the clubhouse refurbishment in 20 and 21 so far.

i)        Flying fifteen Sails Following whats-app discussion   three mainsails and two genoas purchased from Bobby Salmon for £500  allocation to be agreed.

ii)      Feva the committee unanimously agreed the purchase of the second Feva, for £1,350 generously offered by Bobby and Alison Osborne. Condition to be checked. AM

iii)    New members – Mike Voss and Mairearad Green.


7)      AOB

PC reported no LBSC actions needed re the proposed Shore St and inner harbour developments.

2020 Prizegiving postponed until Sat 3rd July DB/PC


8)      Close

There being no other business, the meeting finished at 19:45

 [PCP1]Dave Maxwell has sent this to you.